Master Thesis Projects
My research deals with the Normative Power Theory and the EU's external action through the case study of the EU's cultural diplomacy in general and with the state of Israel, in particular. My purpose is the unearthing of cultural diplomacy's roles and aims in the mechanism of the EU's foreign relations and External Action conduct, as well as understanding its implications on the EU's international identity- as directed both to its exterior on the international arena and to its interior as an integration tool.
Alon Zvulon
This research examines the perceptions and misperceptions of asylum seekers in Israel and Greece towards the European Union and its members states. The analysis will consist of a comparative quantitative and qualitative analysis of perceptions using the normative power Europe theory as a conceptual framework. Through an analysis of perceptions and misperceptions towards the European Union, and using the asylum issue as a case study, the research aims to bridge two main axes in European studies; perceptions research and studies on normative power Europe.
The Bologna Process’ Influence outside Europe; normative or economic? Canada and New Zealand as case studies
Shachar Sadowsky
This research investigates the influence of the Bologna Process in two countries external to the process; Canada and New Zealand. The study aims to examine whether the influence of the Bologna Process in these countries is pushed forward by normative or economic considerations. The research outlines how both Canada and New Zealand have reacted to the higher education developments occurring in Europe. Through the example of the Bologna Process, the study contributes to the discussion on the nature of the European Union’s power and specifically the debate between Normative Power Europe (Manners, 2002) and Market Power Europe (Damri, 2012).