BTC Workshops

Since 2012, the Bologna Training Center has been conducting workshops on various themes relating to internationalisation and the Bologna Process . The workshops are aimed at providing participants within the Israeli academic space, knowledge and tools to enhance their internationalisation and to engage with the European Higher Education Area.
For more information contact Moshe Galili, BTC workshop coordinator:
Formulating & Using Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes (LOs) are statements of what a student should be able to demonstrate after completion of a learning process.This introduction workshop would elaborate the LO in context of the Bologna Process and the European Credit Transfer and Accummulation System (ECTS). The workshop would demonstrate how to write LOs according to "Blooms Taxonomy", and explain how to link LOs with suittable assessment mechanisms.
Internationalization is a world-wide trend taking place in the academic sphere, asking to implement global characteristics in the academic institutions in general, and in learning programs and research in particular. The workshop would describe various activities which can promote institutional internationalization.
Introduction to ECTS
The ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) is a European system of academic accreditation. This introduction presentation would explain what is the ECTS and its aims in the context of the Bologna Process. The presentation would focus on the differences between the Israeli Credit System to the ECTS, and teach the theoretical aspects of converting Israeli-Credits to ECTS.
Implementing ECTS
The Workshop aims to assist lecturers in Israeli higher education institutions to be able to transfer their modules accreditation from "Israeli academic credits" into ECTS. During the workshop, the participants will analyze their modules workload, and estimate the correct number of ECTS according to the workload and the common equation of conversion.