Becoming a Citizen: Civics studies in Israel through the prism of the 'cultural filter'

Tal Rippa
My research focuses on the analysis of perceptions and mis-perceptions shown in Israeli Civic studies textbooks towards Europe, the EU and the Union's member states. My study examines the way to deepen the discourse on the "Cultural Filter", a theoretical framework that was developed by Catarina Kinnvall in 1995, which was later used by Ian Manners in his 2002 research titled: "Normative power Europe (NPE): a contradiction in terms". The main hypothesis of this paper is that the Israeli Civic Studies textbooks, are being used as "Cultural Filter" that affect Israeli High School students' national identity, not only on the local level, but towards Europe, categorizing certain democratic values as "European Values", thus compiling an artificial connection between the Jewish character of the state of Israel and Democracy, while relying on a European model of both.